GCI: Home Office Mission, Values and Objectives

Our International Home Office in Charlotte, North Carolina, operates in accordance with the following mission, values and objectives.

Home Office Mission

We seek to help our churches attain their God-given potential by providing theological, doctrinal, administrative, financial and legal integrity and accountability to all U.S. churches and theological, doctrinal and spiritual leadership to administrative offices in non-U.S. regions.

Home Office Values

  • Servant-leadership centered in the humility and meekness of Jesus (Matt. 11:25-30).
  • A faithful and committed personal walk with Jesus.
  • Christian character and faithfulness.
  • A grace orientation to life.
  • A commitment to fairness and equality without favoritism.
  • Financial responsibility and integrity.
  • Trustworthiness and earned credibility.
  • Bible-centered teaching and preaching.
  • Responsible theological methods and exegesis of Scripture.
  • World missions.
  • Denominational unity.
  • Regular communication with members.
  • People are precious to God, and the needs of people are more important than programs.
  • All people, without exception, are of equal value and spiritual potential.
  • Respect for human cultural diversity.
  • The interconnectedness of the Body of Christ and the command of Jesus that we love one another.
  • A staff that is committed to life-long learning and personal excellence in skills, education and job performance.

Home Office Objectives

  • Encourage and facilitate the clear proclamation of the gospel in word and deed in each GCI church.
  • Provide denominational identity for all GCI churches.
  • Maintain the Statement of Beliefs and the theological and doctrinal integrity of the denomination.
  • Provide denominational leadership characterized by humility, integrity, honesty and faithfulness to the Word of God.
  • Provide effective biblical instructional materials and church news and information for GCI members.
  • Provide effective preparation, training, selection, continuing education and supervision of competent, Christ-centered, Spirit-led pastors for U.S. churches.
  • Provide training for church renewal and church planting.
  • Provide skilled administrative and legal services for U.S. churches.
  • Provide spiritual support and international coordination for non-U.S. regions.
  • Provide denominational outreach in the form of an inspirational and motivational Christian message aimed at the Christian world and the general public.
  • Interact and partner with other churches at a denominational level for the purpose of furthering the kingdom of God.
  • Maintain the official history, legacy and continuity of Grace Communion International.
  • Oversee the ordination of U.S. elders.
  • Maintain and supervise a selection and training process for U.S. pastors and church planters.
  • Appoint and supervise all U.S. pastors and church planters.
  • Maintain a Financial Affairs and Planning Department that:
    • Complies with all federal and state regulations regarding U.S. donations, church expenses and disbursement of funds.
    • Provides accounting services for all U.S. pastoral salaries.
    • Provides legal services for all U.S. church business.
    • Offers accounting services for GCI churches that desire it.
  • Publish GCI’s doctrinal teachings and beliefs in the Statement of Beliefs and other denominational publications.
  • Provide administrative support for denominationally sponsored conferences, conventions and annual worship events.
  • Establish, maintain and administer GCI’s articles and bylaws in the U.S. that ensure a high level of accountability and integrity of denominational leadership.
  • Maintain the GCI.org website and provide space for local church websites on the Internet.
  • Maintain communications with news and other public agencies.
  • Protect denominational interests through responsible legal counsel whenever warranted.
  • Maintain a partnership with Ambassador College of Christian Ministry and Grace Communion Seminary to encourage further education for pastors and members.
  • Maintain an adequate, economical, functional, safe, clean and attractive home office facility.
  • Maintain membership in appropriate Christian organizations and partner with other denominations to strengthen unity in the Body of Christ.

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