Must We Choose Between Science and the Bible?

Is there an insoluble conflict between the two? The Bible says God created the earth and all that is in it. Some feel that the Bible says this act of creation occurred about 6,000 years ago. If they are right, what about fossils in museums around the world? Scientists claim they are the remains of creatures that lived millions of years...

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Although he does not realize it, the outstanding British naturalist and broadcaster Sir David Attenborough inspired this article. It was something...
The beginning of life has always amazed me. The fact that God designed life to start from something as small as an egg cell (ovum), united in the womb...
Grace Communion International teaches that the God of the Bible is the Creator. We believe in the inspired declaration of Genesis 1:1, \"In the...
I enjoy reading about archaeology—it’s an important and fascinating field of study that helps us understand how ancient people lived and how their...

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