Christian Living: Additional Articles About Christian Living
Christian life articles in Discipleship 101 and 40 Days of Discipleship:
- Christian Life, by Michael Morrison
- Obeying God, by J. Michael Feazell
- Responding to Jesus With Prayer, by Joseph Tkach
- John 14: In His Name, by Joseph Tkach
- New Life in Christ, by Michael Morrison
- The Goal of the Christian Life, by Joseph Tkach
- The Purpose of Blessings, by Joseph Tkach
- Trials and Faith, by Joseph Tkach
- Life in Christ: Living Like a Christian, by Michael Morrison
- Jesus Helps Us in Everyday Trials, by Joseph Tkach
- Sanctification, by Michael Morrison
- Tell Peter, by Eugene Guzon
- Our Relationship With Jesus Christ, by Joseph Tkach
- Trusting God With the Problem of Sin, by J. Michael Feazell
Additional articles:
- The Christian life and our participation in Christ’s continuing ministry (an essay by Gary Deddo)
- Wholehearted: finding personal wholeness in Jesus (an essay by Cathy Deddo)
- What Is Truth, and Does It Matter? a booklet by Dick Tripp
- Racial reconciliation (external link)
- Articles about science, the Bible & faith
- The Role of the Law in Christian Life, by Joseph Tkach
- Grace: A License to Sin?, by J. Michael Feazell
- Fulfilling the Law, by J. Michael Feazell
- Obeying God, by J. Michael Feazell
- Six Reasons to Obey God, by Michael Morrison
- The Greatest Commandment, by Joseph Tkach
- Responsibilities to “One Another”, by Michael Morrison
- Behavioral Standards in Christianity, by Joseph Tkach
- Responding to God’s Grace in Our Relationships, by Joseph Tkach
(also see human interest stories about Christian living)
- A Hunger for God, by Michael Morrison
- A New Year – A New Life
- A Sorry State of Affairs – Understanding the Power of an Apology, by Neil Earle and Curtis May
- A Story From Joshua, Relevant for the Church Today
- Anger: A Battle We Can Win, by Neil Earle
- Another look at faith, by J. Michael Feazell
- As Ugly as Sin, by John Halford
- Being Human, by Bill Winn
- Being Missional, by Steve Solari
- Building Unity: The Story of Euodia and Syntyche, by Ted Johnston
- Buy One Set One Free, by Leanne Wickey
- Can you trust the Holy Spirit to save you?, by Joseph Tkach
- Christian submission to civil government, by Michael Morrison
- Disciples Who Didn’t Understand, by Michael Morrison
- Do you have the Holy Spirit?, by Paul Kroll
- Duty of care? What is a Christian’s responsibility toward the rest of creation? by Dennis Gordon
- Dying and Rising With Christ, by J. Michael Feazell
- From Both Sides Now, by Sheila Graham
- Getting Real, by J. Michael Feazell
- Go and Do Likewise, by Dan Rogers
- God Knows Each of His Children, by Joseph Tkach
- Going for the Gold, by John Halford
- Good News to the Poor — Interview with Richard Stearns
- How to Be Effective and Memorable, by John Halford
- How to Resist Temptation, by Joseph Tkach
- If You Really Had Repented…, by J. Michael Feazell
- In God We Trust, by Joseph Tkach
- Insights into solitude, by J. Michael Feazell
- Introduction to moral development, by Michael Morrison
- Is God in Control? by Tammy Tkach
- Is Jesus Enough? by Michael Houghton
- It Can’t Be Depression…I’m a Christian, by Mark Mounts
- Unmasking Male Depression, by Archibald Hart
- It’s Not What You Aren’t That Counts, by John Halford
- It’s Not What You Have – It’s Who Has You, by Dan Rogers
- It’s Hard to Forgive, by Joseph Tkach
- The Problem of Forgiveness, by Lila Docken Bauman
- Leading in Spiritual Formation, by Dan Rogers
- Living the Trinitarian Life, by Michael Morrison
- Looking for a Better Life, by Michael Morrison
- Lovers of Pleasure…Are We Trying Too Hard to Be Happy? by Archibald Hart
- Making Friends With the Disabled, by April Hottle
- Modern Slavery – The Unheard Cries, by Curtis May and Neil Earle
- My Struggle With Pornography, by Rob Robertson
- Nobody Prepares You, by Greg Williams
- Opening the Eyes — A Step at a Time, by Michael Morrison
- Our relationship with Christ, by Michael Morrison
- Our upward, inward and outward responsibilities, by Joseph Tkach
- Peace in Christ, by John McLean
- People, I Just Want to Say, You Know, Can’t We All Get Along? by J. Michael Feazell
- Responding to God with faith, by Joseph Tkach
- Right in Their Own Eyes – An Interview with Paul Johnson
- Running Away From Intimacy, by Mark Mounts
- Say It Loud, Say It Clear, by Jeffrey Broadnax
- Share God’s Love (Jesus and Zacchaeus), by Dan Rogers
- Sharing in Jesus’ Life, by C. Baxter Kruger
- Stewardship of Talents, by Michael Morrison
- Strip These Words From Your Communication, by Beverly Caruso
- Thanksgiving, by Joseph Tkach
- The Good Life — God Is Working in Us
- The Movie of Life, by Joseph Tkach
- The Purpose of Blessings, by Joseph Tkach
- Tired of Life, With Everything to Live For, by John Halford
- Too Old to Be Useful? by John Halford
- Touching the World in Two Ways, by Michael Morrison
- Urge Protection, by John Halford
- Walking in His Steps, by Paul Kroll
- What Time Is It? by Joseph Tkach and Neil Earle
- When You Fast… by Pedro R. Melendez, Jr. & Joseph Tkach
- Where Is Love? by Joseph Tkach
- Whose Hope? What Future? Jeremiah 29:11, by John Halford
- WWJD? by Kerry Gubb
- Overcoming Alcohol Abuse
- What Is Alcoholism? by Herman L. Hoeh
- The Slide Into Alcohol Abuse
- Alcoholism — a Disease?
- Alcohol and Teenagers
- Alcoholism Is Treatable
- Help for Family Members of Alcoholics
- Coping with Stress…Without Alcohol or Drugs
- A Child of an Alcoholic Speaks Out!
- At Greater Risk – Women and Alcohol, by Sheila Graham
Military Service and War
- Pacifism and the Church of God, by Ralph Orr
- War in the Old Testament, by Ralph Orr
- Warfare and the Ethics of Jesus Christ, by Ralph Orr
- War and Vengeance in the Epistles and Revelation, by Ralph Orr
- Pacifism Series – Summation, by Ralph Orr
- Letter Regarding Pacifism, by Neil Earle
- Police Q&A