The King Lives

A staggering amount of Americans still believe that Elvis, the "King of Rock n' Roll" lives. In this episode, Dr. Tkach talks about a king that not only rose from the dead but continues to live today.

Program Transcript

I can still remember the
first time I saw Elvis on TV. It was instantly clear why he would go on to be
crowned the “King of Rock N Roll.” But just as quickly as he’d taken the world
by storm, Elvis had passed away.

Years after his untimely death,
rumors began to surface – the King was still alive, living down in Mexico with
Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin. Recently, I read a poll that stated almost 10%
of Americans believe Elvis is still alive! When I heard that, I started thinking
about another King. Not the “King of Rock N Roll” – but the “King of Kings.”

In the Book of Acts, Luke
writes about the 40 days Christ spent with his disciples after the
Resurrection. “After his suffering, he
presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He
appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of
God” (Acts 1:3).

One of my favorite stories from
this time takes place on the Emmaus road. Two believers were discussing the crucifixion
as they traveled from Jerusalem to a small village. Along their way, a
mysterious stranger joined them. This traveler entered into their discussion,
using the scriptures and Prophets to explain everything that had happened to

When they reached the
village, the men asked the stranger to share a meal with them. But as they
began to break bread, they realized who he was…

This stranger was Jesus!

Isn’t that a great story? I
love it for a couple reasons. First, our risen Lord chose to walk alongside
these two men, empathizing with their sorrows and sharing a meal. And second, even
though he’d already pointed to the Prophets many times before, Jesus took the
time to patiently reveal how each passage of Scripture pointed to him as its
fulfillment. That’s just the type of Lord he is!

And while it might be
difficult to get an audience with the “King of Rock N Roll”, for those who seek
him, Jesus Christ, the “King of Kings”, is alive and never more than a prayer

I’m Joseph Tkach, Speaking of
