The Bride

One of the most powerful metaphors used for the fullness of God's Kingdom was calling the church his bride.

Program Transcript

I recently officiated at the wedding of a friend’s daughter.
I’ve known this young lady for quite a while and was thrilled to be included in
her special day.

As I stood at the altar and watched father and daughter
walking down the aisle toward us, I was momentarily overcome with emotion as I
realized how beautiful the bride looked and how proud her father was as he
escorted her to the groom standing beside me.

I could tell the groom was filled with anticipation and
excitement. He was looking forward to the culmination of several months of
planning and preparation for the moment when he and his bride would become man
and wife.

It made me think of how excited Jesus must be seeing his
bride – the church – being prepared by the Holy Spirit for the great wedding
celebration we read about in the book of Revelation. I can only imagine the joy
he is experiencing – knowing that everything he had worked toward will soon
come to pass.

Jesus shared many parables about weddings and feasts, and
his first miracle was at a wedding. I believe, of all the metaphors and
analogies used for the fullness of God’s kingdom, one of the most beautiful to
relate to is Jesus calling the church his bride.

The remainder of my friend’s daughter’s wedding day was full
of joy for all involved. Everyone was included in the celebration of a bride
and bridegroom coming together to begin a new life as one. I can’t help but
reflect on the joy all will know when they realize they are included in God’s
plan to bring all into relationship and oneness with his Son.

I believe God designed marriage just so we could get a taste
of what he has in store for us as we join with him – not till death do us part
– but for eternity.

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