Speaking of Life 5030 | Calling 911

Just as we rely on an emergency number like 9-1-1 for immediate help in serious situations, we depend on the Lord to answer our cries for help. The Psalmist expresses this trust, reminding us that we can call on the Lord in times of trouble and be confident that He hears us and responds with the right answer at the right time.

Program Transcript

Speaking of Life 5030 | Calling 911
Greg Williams

Have you ever had to call 9-1-1? I hope not, but if you have, it was probably because you were in a serious situation that needed an immediate response. That’s why we call 9-1-1 here in the US. It’s the one number we know will be answered immediately and we will get a quick response to our needs. Could you imagine calling 9-1-1 and getting a recording or being put on hold? Hopefully, that will never happen to you. When an emergency occurs, there is a bit of peace knowing we can depend on someone answering us when we dial 9-1-1.

For those who have grown to know the Lord, 9-1-1 is likely the second call we make because our first cry for help is to the Lord himself. Like so many other believers, we have learned that the Lord is even more reliable than 9-1-1. He is always there to answer our call for help. Experience teaches us we can always turn to the Lord with our troubles, great or small because he has proven to be faithful to hear our call time and time again. Here is the beginning of a Psalm that expresses this trust:

I love the LORD, for he heard my voice;
He heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me,
I will call on him as long as I live.
Psalm 116:1-2 (ESV)

If you are watching this video, you probably don’t need to call 9-1-1. But I’m guessing many of you are facing troubles and trials. I encourage you to follow the wisdom of the one who wrote this psalm. Know and be confident in the truth that whatever troubles you are facing, either now or later, you can call on the Lord. Even when it seems he hasn’t answered, or answers in a way different than you desired, you can be sure you are not getting a recording or being put on hold. He hears you and always responds with the right answer at the right time.

I’m Greg Williams, Speaking of Life.

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