Let's Get Logical

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Atheists point out that God cannot be found by means of science. God cannot be measured by scientific instruments -- but neither can science disprove the existence of God.

Program Transcript

Today’s aggressive atheists like
to point out that God cannot be found through science or conventional logic, or
by looking for God in the deep recesses of the universe.

As believers, that doesn’t bother
us, because we know they’re right. God can’t
be found using those tools. God can only be known through God’s own
revelation of himself. The proof of God’s existence is in the realm of faith,
not in the realm of science. And the argument cuts both ways: Since God cannot be measured by
scientific instruments, science can neither prove nor disprove the
existence of God.

As believers, we have no need to
waste time trying to use some kind of scientific method or conventional logic
to prove the existence of God. We won’t find God that way. If we argue, for
example, that God exists because “life demands a life-giver,” our argument
falls apart when we have to admit that the very thing we’re trying to prove,
the living God, does not, himself, need a life-giver.

In the same way, to argue that
everything has a cause, therefore God is the original or “uncaused” cause,
is to simply state the very premise we are trying to prove. In other
words, if God himself doesn’t need a cause, then the premise that everything has a cause is false, so our
“logic” is not logical.

the study and investigation of the cosmos
may enhance our faith, the natural cannot serve as proof of the supernatural. The
bottom line is that belief in God is a matter of faith. We don’t need to put
it into the realm of “provable” things. It’s a faith issue. We
believe because God has revealed himself to us in the Person of Jesus Christ.

And that’s just the point: we
don’t “find” God at all; God reveals himself to us.

So it should be no surprise that
God can’t be “found” or “reached” by looking into the physics and
logic of the universe. Knowledge of God comes only by God’s own revelation
of himself
, not by our supposed stack of “proofs.” The
existence of God is held in faith, not in scientific formulas or experiments.

Once we do believe, of course, then
we know that God made everything, including, for example, whatever evolutionary
processes might be at work in the world.

And if we really do believe, then
we don’t have to argue about it with atheists from a
scientific basis. Such an argument makes no sense, because we already know that
we can only know God by his spiritual
revelation of himself, not by studying science. 

Because we know God can’t be
proved on scientific or logical grounds, we have no argument with atheists over
that; but we do want atheists to know one thing: that God loves them, and by
the grace of God we’re here for them at whatever point God begins to reveal
himself to them. That won’t come through science; it will come through the Holy

I’m Joseph Tkach, speaking of

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