God With Us

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The miners trapped underground in Chile captured the hearts and imagination of people around the world. In many ways, their plight is an allegory of the spiritual condition of all humanity.

Program Transcript

For months, the miners trapped underground in Chile captured
the hearts and imagination of people around the world. Utterly helpless to do
anything about their plight themselves, they had no choice but to rely on the
efforts of others who worked day and night to rescue them.

In many ways, the plight of the miners is an allegory of the
spiritual condition of all humanity. Spiritually speaking, all of humanity has been
trapped in a life-threatening environment. The Bible calls it “sin and death.”
Like the miners, we are utterly helpless and unable to do anything about our
dire predicament. Just as the cave-in cut off the miners from the outside
world, sin is a barrier, keeping people from the life God created them to have.
But there is good news – a rescue is under way.

I am sure that as they waited for rescue, the miners explored
their options. They had picks, shovels and some quite sophisticated mining
equipment. Could they dig their own way out, they must have wondered? But the reality
was that no amount of work on their part would be enough. They were in too
deep.  For them, the only hope was help
from above, from those who care.

What a great relief it must have been when after 17 days of
being cut off from everything, that first narrow borehole broke through.
Although it was not large enough to get them out, it was a means by which food,
air, and news could reach them, as well as a source of hope and encouragement
through the long months of waiting.

Each of these boreholes was like the gospel – a conduit
through which God sends us the good news of our rescue from sin and death,
together with sound spiritual nourishment and hope.

Sadly, the gospel is often misused to spread a negative
message of condemnation, fear and spiritual intimidation. It is like sending
the trapped miners a steady stream of information about what is going wrong and
how bad their situation is, and then demanding evidence that they fully
understand their plight, that they really want to be rescued, and even that
they start living as though they are on already on the surface before the
rescue can proceed.

Jesus didn’t wait until humans proved anything. He died and
rose for us while we were still sinners, Paul tells us twice in Romans

Those who believe that good news – the gospel – can see past
the gloom of the moment and know that the joy of rescue is ahead. The gospel is
good news, not bad news. It’s all about grace and truth and hope, not fear and
worry and uncertainty. After all, that’s why the angel told the shepherds, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good
news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a
Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”

I’m Joseph Tkach, speaking of LIFE.

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