God Loves Atheists, Too

One atheist wrote, “A substantial majority of the cleverest people who ever lived have believed in God.”

Program Transcript

Why is it, I
wonder, in any discussion involving atheism or belief in God, it is the
believers who seem to feel they are at a disadvantage. It is as if believers
tend to think that atheists have somehow won the argument unless the believers
can prove them wrong.

But the truth is,
it is not possible for atheists to prove that God does not exist. Just because
believers cannot convince atheists that they are wrong, it does not mean
atheists have won the argument.

As one atheist,
Bruce Anderson, pointed out in an article entitled, “Confession of an Atheist,”
“It is worth remembering that a substantial majority of the cleverest people
who ever lived have believed in God.” 

Many atheists
simply do not want to believe that God exists. Rather, they look to science as
the only path to truth. But, is science the only path to truth?

In his book, The
Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions,
the agnostic,
David Berlinski asserts that prevailing scientific theories about the human
mind: the Big Bang, the origin of life and the origin of matter are all open to
debate. He writes, for example, “The claim that the human mind is the product
of evolution is not unassailable fact. It is barely coherent.”

As a critic of
both intelligent design and Darwinism, Berlinski’s basic point is that there
are still many phenomena that science cannot explain. We have made great
progress in understanding the natural world. But nothing we have discovered, if
clearly understood and honestly reported, demands that we take a Creator out of
the picture.

I know personally
several scientists, some of whom are leaders in their respective fields, who
have no trouble reconciling their ongoing discoveries with their belief in God.
The more they learn about the physical creation, the more their belief in its
Creator is enhanced.

They also point
out that no experiment can be devised that will once and for all prove or
disprove the existence of God. You see, God is the Creator, not part of the
creation. You can’t “discover” God by searching through deeper and deeper
layers of the Creation, God reveals himself to humanity in only one way –
through his Son, Jesus Christ.

You will never
find God as the result of a successful experiment. You only come to know God
because he loves you, because he wants you to know him. That’s why he sent his
Son to be one of us.  Once you come to
know God, that is, once he has opened your heart and mind to know him and you
have experienced the relationship of love he has for you, you will have no doubt
that God exists.

That is why I can
say to the atheist, it’s up to you to prove there is no God, not up to me to
prove there is. Once you know him, you’ll believe too.

What’s the real
definition of an atheist? People who don’t believe in God — yet.

I’m Joseph Tkach
speaking of LIFE.

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