Easter: What's the Big Deal?

Often, we place emphasis on on physical suffering and forget that there's a great spiritual significance to Christ's sacrifice on the cross.

Program Transcript

While I was driving home from
work I turned on the radio and heard a reporter ask the following question: “So
what’s the big deal with Christ’s death? Sure, crucifixion is painful, but he
was only up there for a few hours. It was almost like Jesus just had a bad

I was shocked. I’d never
heard it put that way!

But the question got me
thinking: why is Christ’s death so important? Was it just the amount of
physical suffering he experienced? Why is it so special?

I think we can look at it
like this…

Christ was betrayed, tortured
and crucified. And he did suffer a tremendous amount of pain. But the Bible
tells us that there was so much more happening in that moment.

“Once you were alienated from God and were
enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled
you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight,
without blemish and free from accusation” (Colossians 1:21-22).

Christ’s death wasn’t simply about
physical pain. By offering himself as a sacrifice on our behalf, he took on the
whole weight of our guilt and alienation from God. He willingly suffered all
the consequences of our distrust and disobedience to God.

On the cross, he submitted to
the loving and just judgment of God, and our corrupt sin natures were condemned
to death in him. He joyfully paid this price so that we could be given new
natures, be filled with his life and stand, reconciled to God, with no barriers
between us.

And that’s why his
death and resurrection are a “big deal!”

As we celebrate Easter, we
remember that while Christ suffered physically, let’s not forget that
spiritually, his sacrifice brought us back into communion with God. For him, it
wasn’t a bad weekend – far from it! This was the weekend of Holy Passion when
his great redemptive plan was accomplished! And with that in mind, we really do
have something to celebrate!

I’m Joseph Tkach, Speaking of

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