Dr. Jeannine Graham - The Connection Between Jesus' Incarnation and Saving Work

On this episode of You’re Included, Dr. Jeannine Graham shares with us her profound appreciation for good theology and some insights from her teaching and writing on the vital connection between the incarnation and saving work of Jesus Christ through his Cross.

About Dr. Jeannine Graham –
Is Currently the Associate Professor of Religious Studies, George Fox University in Newburg, OR.
She received her B.A. at Whitworth College (now university); M.Div. at Fuller Seminary; and Ph.D. at Univ. of Aberdeen, under the direction of Prof. James B. Torrance.
She has taught theology at several schools, Sterling College (Sterling, KS); Whitworth College (Spokane, WA); as adjunct teacher for Fuller Seminary ; currently teaching at George Fox University (Newberg, OR)
She is the author of the book: Representation and Substitution in the Atonement Theologies of Dorothee Sölle, John Macquarrie and Karl Barth, Peter Lang 2005.
And author of an informative journal article: “The ‘One for the Many’ Theme in James Torrance’s Theology” in Participatio, the Journal of the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, 2014.

Grace Communion Seminary – www.gcs.edu
