When the
Magi finally met Jesus, the King of the Jews, after being led to him by a
special star; they did not find him in a king’s palace. They found Mary, Joseph,
and the babe in a manger.
Who would
have expected it–the promised King, the Anointed One–born in a stable? What
more unlikely place to look for the prophesied Prince of Peace–in a cattle
stall. But Jesus came to real people in the real world. He came to stand in for
and represent every person in every age from the first man to the last, from
the greatest to the least, the rich, the poor, the middle class, every race and
every tribe–and every one of them a sinner.
came to save sinners, not to bask in the fineries of human royalty.
Christmas stable reminds us that whatever life throws at us, whatever trials we
might face, whatever our lot in life, Jesus is with us. Jesus is there beside
us. God knows our plight and stands alongside us in undying love.
At the
Messiah’s stable the world’s pride has no place. In that lowly place he came to
dwell with us in our deepest sin, weakness, need, sorrow, and pain. Here in a
corner of a barn is Emmanuel, God with us.
Throughout Jesus’
life, in lowliness and humility, he served sinning, broken, and desperate
people. He showed even the lowliest and loneliest of men, women, and children
that they really matter to God, and that true life does not consist in what
people possess, or what their station in society is, or how much the world
respects them.
Jesus shows
us that God loves us and that we count; he loves us completely even at our very
worst, even at our most sinful and our very weakest.
message of the stable leads us to seek what really matters, the joy of receiving
and giving faithful love. It calls us to trust in the One who loves us so much
he will never let us go, and to stop wasting our lives on all the empty and
meaningless things that cannot bring us real satisfaction, peace, hope, and
In our
Savior Jesus Christ–born in the common surroundings of common people–we find
our deepest fulfillment in the shared love of God and our relationships
with one another that alone make life worth living.
Joseph Tkach, speaking of LIFE.