Central Truth

The central biblical truth that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit actually shapes our faith and our lives as Christians.

Program Transcript

Christians are baptized in the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit. Together, the Father, Son and Spirit are called
the Trinity, and the Trinity occupies center stage in all authentic Christian
churches and organizations.

The doctrine of the Trinity is far more than just a
creed to be recited or words printed on a statement of faith.

The central biblical truth that God is Father, Son
and Holy Spirit actually shapes our faith and our lives as Christians. The
wonderful and beautiful fellowship shared by the Father, Son, and Spirit is the
very fellowship of love into which our Savior Jesus places us through his life,
death, resurrection and ascension as the Son of God in flesh.

From before all time, the Triune God determined to
bring humanity into the indescribable life, fellowship and joy that Father, Son
and Holy Spirit share together as the one true God. In Jesus Christ, the Son of
God incarnate, we have been made right with the Father, and in Jesus we are
included in the fellowship and joy of the shared eternal life of the Trinity.

Jesus’ life, death, resurrection and ascension are
living proof of the total and unwavering devotion of the Father to his loving
purpose to include humanity in the joy and fellowship of the life of the
Trinity. Jesus is the proof that the Father will never abandon us. In Jesus,
the Father has adopted us and made us his beloved children, and he will never
forsake his plans for us.

When we trust Jesus to be our all in all, it is not
an empty trust. He is our all in all.
In him, our sins are forgiven, our hearts are made new, and we are included in
the life he shares with the Father and the Spirit. He is our brother, and in
him we become the beloved children of God by grace.

God’s eternal and almighty word of love and
inclusion for you will never be silenced. You belong to him, and nothing in
heaven or Earth can ever change that.

I’m Joseph Tkach – Speaking of LIFE.

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