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Things are not always as they appear. That was certainly the case with Jesus.

Program Transcript

Things are not always as they
appear. That was certainly the case with Jesus. The crowds saw a
miracle-worker, a remarkable man of God who could heal their diseases. They
came from all over the region to see him and hear him speak and to be healed.
Sometimes the crowds were so thick that Jesus had a boat ready in case they
pressed him into the Sea of Galilee.

After a long day of hearing Jesus
teach and heal the sick, the people would go home. They would go back to their
families and their jobs and life would return to normal.

But they would wonder about that day
by the sea. They would wonder who that amazing man was who healed the sick.
They would talk about him in their towns. He had inspired a sense of hope in
them, whoever he was. Some said he was John the Baptist, come back to life.
Others said the great prophet Elijah had returned. But things are not always as
they appear.

The day would come when they would
hear of this man again. And what they would hear would change everything. Jesus
was not just a teacher, a prophet or a healer. He was God in the flesh –God
among us and one of us — and he took our very humanity into himself, doing
away with our sins and giving us his own righteousness.

Maybe you need to see beyond
appearances too. It might appear to you that your sins have the better of you.
It might appear to you that God is fed up with you, sick and tired of your
falling short, ready to spew you out of his mouth and wash his hands of you.

Things are not what they appear. God
loves you and always will. Christ died for us, while we were still sinners.
Paul tells us this in Romans 5:8:

demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ
died for us.”

Jesus didn’t wait until you were
behaving better before he loved you and saved you. Sin doesn’t stand between
God and you—God already took that barrier away. That means you can stop
worrying and trust him. He loves you, he saved you and he’ll never let you go.

Don’t believe the lies your sins
tell you—despite what your sins say, God does still love you, and he won’t ever
turn his back on you. So why not take your struggles with sin to him—in faith
that he’s already forgiven you—and trust him to help you become more like him?
He’s right beside you, he loves you without measure, and he’s not going away.

I’m Joseph Tkach, speaking of LIFE.

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