Speaking of Life 5008 | More Than I Can Say

We easily give applause when we experience something wonderful in our lives. And sometimes it can leave us speechless when we encounter the same overwhelming feeling when we grow to know God to greater depths.

Program Transcript

Speaking of Life 5008 | More Than I Can Say
Greg Williams

Sonny Curtis and Jerry Allison wrote a song called “More Than I Can Say” back in 1959. And it went on to be performed by Leo Sayer, who rode the song to the top of the billboards back in the 80s.

The lyrics were simple and repetitive. Here are the opening lines:

I love you more than I can say

I’ll love you twice as much tomorrow

Oh, love you more than I can say

Set to a catchy tune, this song will get stuck in your head for days. In addition, we can all identify with the experience of loving someone or something “more than we can say.”

Or, maybe it’s more than that. Perhaps this little ditty resonates with us at a far deeper level.

After all, praising comes quite easy for us does it not? Have you ever been startled by a streaking star shooting through the night sky that made you shout, “Wow! Look at that”? Or maybe the sighting of that rare double rainbow after a storm that turns everyone’s attention skyward with utterances of “oohs” and “ahhs.” It seems praise comes naturally when we are encountered with something amazing or beautiful.

“More Than I Can Say” may have been written back in 1959 but this is not the first time a songwriter has attempted to praise someone beyond words. Look at this lyric in Psalm 40 which is a thanksgiving Psalm:

You have multiplied, O Lord my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you!
I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told.

Psalm 40:5 (ESV)

When we come to know God for who he truly is, we too will be compelled to praise him “more than we can say.” That’s the blessed life we are created for. Praising God for all eternity means we are in the presence and in a relationship with One who is praiseworthy beyond words. We come to know this God only in Jesus Christ, who reveals this Father to us by the Spirit. The more we come to know our Triune God, the more our praise will naturally pour forth. And scripture indicates that this song of praise will get stuck in our heads for all eternity. After all, God is good…well…more than I can say.

I’m Greg Williams, Speaking of Life.

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